This article provides details on the information to find in each available report.
Data generated by database activity auditing and user interaction auditing is the basis of Audit reports. To access the auditing reports, follow the steps mentioned below:
- Select the Auditing tab and select from the following reports:
Report name Description Configuration Management Auditing Report Use this report to list all the configuration changes made in Archiver. Information displayed includes:
- The user who made the changes
- Changes effected
Clicking on any configuration change in the list will bring up a window with further detailed information.
Access Control Auditing Report Use this report to list all the changes made to the access control configuration of GFI Archiver. Information displayed includes:
- The user who made the changes
- The user affected by the change
- What permissions were changed
Archived items Auditing Report Use this report to list the number of items archived in GFI Archiver Archive Stores per day. Information displayed includes:
- Date
- Name of the archive store
- Number of archived items
Bulk Import Auditing Report Use this report to list the number of items imported into the archive stores through the bulk import service for each import. Information displayed includes:
- Date of import
- Name of the archive store
- Number of items imported
Retention Policy Auditing Report Use this report to list the retention policies executed and the number of items deleted. Information displayed includes:
- Policy Execution Date
- Name of the archive store
- Name of the retention policy
- Number of deleted items
Clicking on any executed retention policy in the list will bring up a window with detailed information on the executed policy.
Data Leakage Prevention Auditing Report Use this report to list which users performed actions that could lead to data leakage, such as forwarding of emails from the archive stores. Information displayed includes:
- The user that performed the action
- Action Performed
- The number of items affected.
User Audit Trail Auditing Report Use this report to list the actions taken by users while using the GFI Archiver web interface. Information displayed includes:
- User name
- Action taken
- Date/time action was taken
The following report options are available:
- To group the list by user, click on the Group by user button, located at the top of the report page.
- To group the list by date, click on the Group by date button, located at the top of the report page.
- Clicking on any user action in the list will bring up a window with detailed information on the action taken.
Data Integrity Auditing Report
Use this report to list all the changes made to the GFI Archiver archive stores and auditing databases, which were not carried out through the GFI Archiver services. Information displayed includes:
- Event type
- Microsoft® SQL server and database affected
- Database user affected
- Action taken
- Machine from which action originated.
The following report options are available:
- To group the list by event type, click on the Group by event type button, located at the top of the report page.
- To group the list by date, click on the Group by date button, located at the top of the report page.
- Clicking on any database change in the list will bring up a window with detailed information on that change.
Perform the following actions:
- Filter reports
Use the option Filter by for displaying values matching the defined rules. The Filter by option is at the top of each report page. - Print reports
Click on the print report button, located at the top of each report page to print the report.
- Filter reports
Priyanka Bhotika