User settings need to be adjusted to use the Mailbox Folder Structure Retrieval (UMPolling) feature within Archiver for the following environments:
- EWS - Exchange Web Services
- Microsoft Exchange 2013
- Microsoft Exchange 2010
- Microsoft Exchange 2007 SP1, SP2, SP3
- Microsoft 365 (previously known as Microsoft Office 365)
- MAPI - Messaging Application Programming Interface
- Microsoft Exchange 2007 without any SP
- Microsoft Exchange 2003
DISCLAIMER: The personal contact information in this article is fictitious and is purely meant for instructional purposes.
Follow these steps to define user settings for Mailbox Folder Structure Retrieval (UMPolling) feature depending on the application in use:
Microsoft Exchange 2013 / 2010 [EWS]
- Open the Exchange Management Shell on the Microsoft Exchange 2010 server.
- Run the following cmdlet:
New-ManagementScope -name "MAUMPolling" -recipientrestrictionfilter {recipienttype -eq "UserMailbox}"
- Once the above step is complete, run the following cmdlet (the account used in this step cannot have domain administrator rights):
New-ManagementRoleAssignment -name "MAUMPollingRA" -role:applicationimpersonation -user "masynch@domain.com" -customrecipientwritescope "MAUMpolling"
Additional Information
- Some Exchange 2010 environments also require the Exchange 2007 scripts to be run.
- The ManagementScope might already exist and be named differently. You can confirm the existing scope using the cmdlet
. - For example, if GFI Mail Essentials is running in the same environment the scope might have already been created and with the name
. In this case, it is not needed to run New-ManagementScope again. But run:New-ManagementRoleAssignment -name "MAUMPollingRA" -role:applicationimpersonation -user "name@mydomain.com" -customrecipientwritescope "GFI_MA_UMP"
Microsoft Exchange 2007 SP1, SP2, SP3 [EWS]
- Open the Exchange Management Shell on the Microsoft Exchange 2007 server.
- Run the following cmdlet (the account used in this step cannot have the domain administrator rights):
Add-ADPermission -identity "Mailbox Store" -User "Trusted User" -AccessRights GenericAll
- Example:
Add-ADPermission –Identity “Mailbox Database” -User "master-domain\smith" –AccessRights GenericAll
- Example:
- Run the following cmdlet:
foreach ($exchangeServer in Get-ExchangeServer){if ($exchangeServer.ServerRole -match 'ClientAccess'){Add-ADPermission -Identity $exchangeServer.DistinguishedName -User 'domain\user' -ExtendedRights ms-Exch-EPI-Impersonation}}
- Example:
foreach ($exchangeServer in Get-ExchangeServer){if ($exchangeServer.ServerRole -match 'ClientAccess'){Add-ADPermission -Identity $exchangeServer.DistinguishedName -User 'master-domain\smith' -ExtendedRights ms-Exch-EPI-Impersonation}}
- Example:
Microsoft Exchange 2003 (Using MAPI)
Follow steps in the article about Setting Permissions for GFI Archiver in Microsoft Exchange 2003 Using MAPI
Microsoft 365 (using EWS)
Follow steps in the article about Setting Permissions for GFI Archiver in Microsoft 365 Using EWS
Mailbox Folder Structure Retrieval (UMPolling) feature within GFI Archiver is activated and you can retrieve user mailbox structure.