Versions / Builds Affected
20140616, 20141117Status
ResolvedTT / JIRAID
2817How to Identify
- The installation is running in a non-English environment - for example in German. The most relevant factor here would probably be that the Exchange mailboxes are to a language other than English.
- UMPolling is in use or has been used in the past
- The customer demonstrates this behavior:
1. A user deletes an email from his Inbox folder via the Outlook Connector
2. The email disappears and is visible under the Deleted Items folder
3. When the OC syncs again the the next time, the same email reappears under the Inbox folderWorkaround / Fix Details
Delete the email via the web interface
PATCH FOR 20141117
Fixed in GFI Archiver 2015 SR1 build 20150218Required Actions
Upgrade server and OC to the mentioned version mentioned above or newer