Versions / Builds Affected
OpenProblem Summary
The Outlook Connector shows the error message: "GFI MailArchiver Archive Store "2011 Jan - Dec" is inaccessible. HTTP Error 500 - Internal Server Error" when rows in the archive store database in arc_tags have an empty tagValue.TT / JIRAID
54How to Identify
Outlook Connector shows sync error:
GFI MailArchiver Archive Store "2011 Jan - Dec" is inaccessible. HTTP Error 500 - Internal Server Error
Outlook Connector - logmartransport.csv
2013-02-19,12:41:15,470,1,"#00000bc4","#00000f18","info ","logmartransport","HeadersSyncTask::ExecuteMessages call GetMessages for database 6d470e2f-27bc-432d-8efb-a47fb199447e..."
2013-02-19,12:41:15,470,1,"#00000bc4","#00000f18","info ","logmartransport","HeadersSyncTask::ExecuteMessagesForDatabase requesting from 2011/02/20 12:41:15"
2013-02-19,12:41:15,470,1,"#00000bc4","#00000f18","info ","logmartransport","HeadersSyncTask::ExecuteMessagesForDatabase the ticket values of request, Timestamp: 310691 Ceiling: -9223372036854775808"
2013-02-19,12:41:16,611,1,"#00000bc4","#00000f18","error ","logmartransport","HeadersSyncTask::LogWebServiceError GetMessages failed, error: HTTP error: 500 (Internal Server Error), HRESULT 80004005"
Server - ASPNET\Debuglogs\WSOutlook.log
2013-02-19,12:41:14,224,1,"#00001ABC","#0000000E","info ","WSOutlook","GetMessages: startDate 20/02/2011 12:41:15, endDate 19/02/2013 12:41:15, userId b403245b8244ef43a900f401446a5b7f, databaseId 6d470e2f-27bc-432d-8efb-a47fb199447e, timeStamp 310691, ceilingTimeStamp -9223372036854775808"
2013-02-19,12:41:15,334,1,"#00001ABC","#0000000E","error ","WSOutlook","Error: GetMessages failed. Index was outside the bounds of the array."
To confirm that it is this very known issue run the following query against the database(s) in SQL:
SELECT arc_tags.tagId, arc_tags.tagValue, arc_users.userName
FROM arc_tags
LEFT JOIN arc_users ON arc_tags.usrId=arc_users.usrId
WHERE arc_tags.tagValue=''
If 1 or more rows are returned this known issue is confirmed.
If 0 rows are returned the it is NOT this known issue
- In most cases not all users are affected, but only one or a fewWorkaround / Fix Details
The following query fills the tagValue of affected rows in arc_tags with a string which makes the Outlook Connector able to not run into the issue anymore:
UPDATE dbo.arc_tags SET [tagValue]='Inbox|tmpSupportOCError500' WHERE tagValue=''Required Actions
Identify that the customer is facing this issue by running the SELECT query in the "how to identify section"
If 1 or more rows are returned escalate the case with:
- a set of TS files from the server
- a set of TS files from the Outlook Connector
(both must show the very same time frame)